Online event
Virtual & Streaming
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We are facing unprecedented challenges in this time of the novel coronavirus, and community, connection and self-care are more important than ever. At the same time, many people are finding it harder than ever to make time to meditate daily, to find ease, calm or joy, to take care of their own heart. You are not alone.
We invite you to join Narayan Helen Liebenson and the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC) community for "Dharma in Daily Life", weekdays from 8:45-9:00am.
Every weekday, Narayan will offer 15 minutes of respite and support: a brief sitting practice, Dharma reflections, and her "Dharma Practice for Today" designed to help you live each day in a more connected, wise, generous and loving way.
Click the linked web page to find the Zoom link to this daily offering. Or call (646) 876-9923 and enter the Meeting ID 913 2860 9474 .