Saturday, Sep 02, 2023 10:00a -
Repeats weekly

Memorial Dr
668 Memorial Dr.
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Hosted by:
msbonafidecreations Ms Bonafide Creations & Yoga

Classes, Nature, Seasonal, Social Good

Event website:

Yay! It's time to head to the river! So much transition has happened and as we arrive here in summer once again it is always nice to return to formilar places that offer us grounding and connection.

We return for another season of outdoor yoga on Memorial Dr. Cambridge. This space was cultivate by a dear friend for the building of community through the practice of yoga. I hope I have honored that blessing in this space. @zen.wins

Our first day of the season begins this Saturday June 10th at 9:45am. As usual we will meet under the trees by the outdoor gym equipment. (See photo).

This class offers variations and suggestions for posture alignment with the freedom to go at your pace and just enjoy the flow.

Bring your yoga mat and water, wear comfortable clothing for movement and bring a friend.

Register at www.yogawithmalaika.com www.msbonafidecreations.com

#yogawithmalaika #youcomingtoyoga #Cambridge #Cambridgeyoga #yogaformentalhealth #memorialdrive #outdooryoga #2023 #thingstodoincambridge

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09/02/2023 09:45:00 09/02/2023 10:45:00 America/New_York Yoga on the River Memorial Dr. Cambridge <p>Yay! It's time to head to the river! So much transition has happened and as we arrive here in summer once again it is always nice to return to formilar places that offer us grounding and connect...

Memorial Dr , Cambridge , MA 02139 false MM/DD/YYYY

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