Northeastern Crossing
1175 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02120
Business, Innovation, Meetup, Social Good, Tech, University
Event website:
Women working full time in the United States typically are paid just 80 percent of what white men are paid, a gap of 20 percent — and it’s even worse for women of color.
Attend this FREE two-hour salary negotiation workshop to gain the skills and confidence to successfully negotiate your salary and benefits packages.
You will learn:
About the gender pay gap, including its personal consequences;
How to quantify and articulate your value;
How to conduct objective market research and determine a fair target salary; and
How to create a strategic pitch and respond to salary offers.
You will also have an opportunity to practice your negotiation.
AAUW Work Smart in Boston is an initiative of AAUW and the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement to train half the working women of Boston to negotiate their salary and benefits packages over five years.
The AAUW Work Smart salary negotiation workshops are free.
Check-in will begin 30 minutes before the workshop.