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How has the pandemic affected your work/life/home balance?
CAMBRIDGE FORUM invites you to join our timely conversation about this topic on
Tuesday May 18 at 4 pm ET on Zoom.
Some people can’t wait to get back to the office but 80% don’t want to or would prefer a hybrid schedule, according to a recent Harvard survey. Many more workers however, have no such attractive options. But all of us must consider the future of our workplaces going forward.
Will things return to pre-pandemic conditions or are these new work/life changes here to stay? Some people miss having a separate workspace and live interaction with colleagues. What do you think? Join our discussion and tell us about your experiences over the past year – for better or worse.
We are joined by guests, Nick Bloom, who is a professor of economics at Stanford University specializing in management practices and uncertainty; he will be joined by
Dr. Brad Harrington, Executive Director of the Boston College Center for Work & Family (BCCWF) and a research professor in the Carroll School of Management. Both will discuss
their research regarding the work, life and home balance. Let us know what you think.
Register for this Zoom webinar now!