Online event
Art, Film, Virtual & Streaming
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We are launching a new speaker series: Japan's Pop Culture Takeover! Join us next month to hear anime expert Susan Napier discuss her latest work, Miyazakiworld: A Life in Art, with MIT anthropologist Ian Condry!
Eight years in the making, Susan's Miyazakiworld sheds light on the indelible link between artist and environment, creator and creation. Susan describes Miyazaki as an "unprecedented animator," and in her words, Miyazakiworld is "an examination of why and how Hayao Miyazaki came to be that animator: of the world he has created and of the worlds that created him."
Hear Susan Napier divulge the story of filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki's life and work, including his profound impact on Japan and the world.
Hosted online via Zoom
(Zoom link will be in your registration confirmation e-mail)
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 01, 2025 goes until 03/02
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center