Thursday, Jul 11, 2024 7:00p -

42 Brattle St
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Hosted by:
ccae Cambridge Center for Adult Education


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This training will greatly improve your ability to remember names, in social and business situations, where it is important for building relationships and making a positive impression. The method, MemorizeBest, is based on two principles: 1) pictures are easier to remember than words; 2) silly pictures are easier to remember than serious ones. Be prepared to use both principles. This method can also be adapted for remembering anything else, for example: last names, facts, numbers, speeches, songs, lists, data, languages, anything with words or numbers. Instructor: Neil Kutzen

This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.

Cambridge Center for Adult Education (CCAE) offers online and in-person classes in subjects including: World Languages, Visual Arts, Food & Wine, Humanities, Performing Arts, Life & Wellness, & Business & Technology. All upcoming classes can be found at ccae.org.

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07/11/2024 19:00:00 07/11/2024 21:00:00 America/New_York Remember First Names – Everyone’s, Easily *In-Person* <p>This training will greatly improve your ability to remember names, in social and business situations, where it is important for building relationships and making a positive impression. The metho... CCAE, Cambridge, MA 02138 false MM/DD/YYYY

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