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Boston, MA
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Event website:
• Election day is Tuesday, November 3
• Registration deadlines:
Online: October 24
By mail: Postmarked by October 24
In-person: October 24
• In-person early voting:
October 17–30: See early voting schedules and locations for each city and town in Massachusetts here
• Absentee ballot deadlines:
Request: October 28 by 12:00 p.m.
Return by mail: Postmarked by November 3
Return in person: November 3 by close of polls (8:00 p.m.)
Voting this year will likely look a little different than in past elections. In order to ensure that everyone is able to vote safely this year, several changes have been made to our election laws and procedures.
This year, there will be more ways to vote in Massachusetts than ever before. Every voter can choose to vote:
• By mail; or
• In person, at an early voting site; or
• On Election Day, at your polling place
Voting by mail is available this year to all registered voters. No excuse is needed in order to vote by mail.
In-person voting will still be available in every community on Election Day, as well as during the early voting period.
MA's polling place hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Find your polling place in MA:
Early voting schedules and locations for each city and town will be posted at www.MassEarlyVote.com no later than October 9.
If I apply for a Vote by Mail ballot, does that mean I can't vote in person?
No. You can vote in person as long as you haven't already voted by mail. If you choose not to return your mail-in ballot, you can vote in person on Election Day or during early voting. You can also vote in person if you mail your ballot and it does not reach your election office by Election Day or if your mail-in ballot is rejected for any reason.
View the early voting in Massachusetts FAQ here.
Whether you plan to vote in person or by mail, you will need to make sure you are registered to vote. Check your voter registration online at www.RegistertoVoteMA.com.
To make sure everyone has enough time to register to vote this year, the voter registration deadline for all 2020 elections has been shortened to 10 days before the election.
In order to vote in the November 3, 2020 State Election, you must be registered to vote by October 24, 2020.
October 24 is also the deadline to make any changes to your voter registration, such as a change of address.
• Online – If you have a Massachusetts driver’s license or state identification card, you can register to vote online at www.RegisterToVoteMA.com. You can also use this Online Voter Registration System to update your address or change your political party affiliation. Online registrations must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on October 24.
• By Mail – If you are not able to register online, you always have the option of registering to vote by mail. A mail-in voter registration form is included with this booklet. Mail-in registration forms can be printed at www.sec.state.ma.us/ele or requested by calling 1-800-462-VOTE (8683). All mail-in voter registrations must be postmarked or delivered to your city or town hall by October 24.
• In-Person – Voter registration is available at each local election office, which is usually located in your city or town hall. Find your local election office at www.sec.state.ma.us/ele. All local election offices must offer in-person voter registration on October 24 from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
More info can be viewed at Massachusetts' Information for Voters: 2020 Ballot Questions.
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 goes until 02/21
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