Online event
Classes, Virtual & Streaming
Jumpstart Your Financial Future with this series of financial workshops designed to improve your knowledge and understanding of your personal finances, give you insight and information into tricky topics, and bring you to a better, healthier financial future.
Workshop #3: Decisions! Decisions!
When you start a new job, some of your first decisions may be about saving for retirement and choosing a health insurance plan. How much should I put into my retirement account? Which investments should I choose? Which health insurance plan will serve my needs and be affordable? The choices can be daunting. Join us to gain some important insights on how to make these essential decisions.
This event will take place on Zoom. Registration is required; register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lcuysqD0sEtJ7a2RNcxtb_0qiXWJ1iJAZ
For more information contact Kerry at [email protected].
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 goes until 02/21
Regent Theatre