Saturday, Sep 02, 2023 8:00a -

Ricciuti Drive, Quincy, MA
Ricciuti Drive, Quincy, MA
Quincy, MA

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Hosted by:
ridj_it Ridj-it

Meetup, Social Good, Sports & Active Life

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Sign up for this adventure here as a rider, driver, or non-carpooler: https://p.ridj-it.com/app/trip-detail?id=106983

Course Overview

The Intro to Top Rope Course is perfect for anyone new to climbing outside, taught by a certified AMGA Single Pitch Instructor. Whether you have never climbed before, or you are an experienced gym climber, this course is designed to teach you all of the skills that you need to climb on top rope independently. Take this in a private trip on our website at https://www.greaterbostonclimbing.com/intro-to-top-rope-course.

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09/02/2023 08:00:00 09/02/2023 16:00:00 America/New_York Intro to Top Rope Course <p>Course Overview</p><p>The Intro to Top Rope Course is perfect for anyone new to climbing outside, taught by a certified AMGA Single Pitch Instructor. Whether you have never climbed before, or yo...

Ricciuti Drive, Quincy, MA, Quincy, MA false MM/DD/YYYY

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