Wednesday, May 13, 2020 7:30p -

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Boston, MA

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Performing Arts, Virtual & Streaming

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The Boston Poetry Slam continues our Extremely Online series through May 2020! Join us on Zoom for a feature & an open mic.

Gabriel Ramirez is a Queer Afro-Latinx poet, activist, and teaching artist. Gabriel has received fellowships from The Conversation Literary Arts Festival, Palm Beach Poetry Festival, The Watering Hole, CantoMundo and Callaloo. Gabriel has performed on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theatre, United Nations, Lincoln Center, Apollo Theatre and other venues & universities around the nation. Gabriel was featured in Huffington Post, VIBE Magazine, Blavity, Upworthy, The Flama, and Remezcla. You can find his work in various spaces, including Youtube, and in publications like The Volta, Split This Rock, Winter Tangerine, Drunk in a Midnight Choir, VINYL, and in Bettering American Poetry Anthology (Bettering Books 2017), What Saves Us: Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump (Northwestern University Press 2019) and The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNEXT (Haymarket Press 2020) Learn more about Gabriel at RamirezPoet.com

7:15 - Open mic sign up sheet will be posted in event (Having trouble finding it? Check the Discussion tab)
7:40 - Zoom link will be posted
8:00 - Open mic
9:15 - Featured poet

We are asking for the usual $3 admission fee (payable to $BostonPoetrySlam) to help pay features, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.


- Please keep your mic *muted* unless it is your turn to read. This means no verbal heckling/cheering/noise making during poems (though we still welcome all that in the chat).

- There will be a brief break for clapping after each poem for applause/rabble rousing.

- Every poet still gets the usual 3 minutes to read.

Any other questions, please post in the event discussion!

This show is part of the Extremely Online series from the Boston Poetry Slam, founded by Lip Manegio and co-curated by Myles Taylor. The series is currently scheduled weekly for the month of May 2020. For more information about the Boston Poetry Slam, please visit bostonpoetryslam.com.

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05/13/2020 19:30:00 05/13/2020 22:30:00 America/New_York Gabriel Ramirez features at Boston Poetry Slam: Extremely Online Edition The Boston Poetry Slam continues our Extremely Online series through May 2020! Join us on Zoom for a feature & an open mic. Gabriel Ramirez is a Queer Afro-Latinx poet, activist, and teaching a...

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