Powisset Farm
37 Powisset Street
Dover, MA 02030
Classes, Kid Friendly, Social Good
Event website:
In this 3-week Tuesday afterschool program we will focus on how Powisset’s farm animals and native birds prepare for winter. Each week we will participate in hands-on outdoor STEAM learning activities while maintaining social distance. Register for all three classes or one at a time!
Tuesday, December 7: We will visit our chickens & pigs and see how they prepare for winter. After learning outside we will head into the kitchen to bake mini carrot cakes.
Tuesday, December 14: We will focus on the wild birds of Powisset Farm and focus on how the prep for the winter months. We will create a speical bird feeder to take home so you can watch the wild birds prepare for winter in your own backyard.
Tueesday, December 21: We will celebrate the winter solstcie by creating our own winter solstice lanterns. After learning about the wintr solstice we will head into the kitchen and make homemade fruit salsa & cinnamon sugar tortilla chips.
This drop-off class is designed for children ages 7-11. Class is limited to 10 students to allow for social distancing.
*Please note, due to staff: child ratio restrictions, we cannot book children under the age of 7 for this program. *
PLEASE NOTE: Powisset is NOT a nut-free or gluten-free kitchen. We cannot accommodate any allergy requests for cooking segments.
Registration closes two days prior to the program. If it is within two days and you wish to register, please email [email protected] or call 508.785.0339 to find out if there is space remaining. Space is limited for this event. Pre-registration is required. Walk-ins not accepted.
Questions? Want to become a Trustees member and enjoy free or discounted programs? Contact [email protected] for more information.
Please note: Participants will be asked to follow Covid-19 related guidelines, including wearing face coverings and maintaining social distance. Hand-washing stations and/or hand sanitizer will be provided, and guests will be asked to clean their hands before and after our programs. Participants will also be asked to provide contact information in case of a need for contract tracing. If you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms, please do not attend the event.
Guidelines for Cooking Segment: Each student will have their own workstation and their own set of ingredients and kitchen tools. Siblings will be allowed to share a station, tools and ingredients. Stations will be 3-6 feet apart and masks will be required during the class. Mask breaks will take place outdoors.
Cancellation Policy: In the event The Trustees cancels a program due to severe weather, low enrollment, or other circumstances, we will notify registrants by email and issue a full refund or transfer to another program within two weeks of the cancellation.
To cancel a reservation, please contact Powisset Farm 7 days prior to the start of the program to receive a full refund. Refunds will not be granted for cancellations placed fewer than 7 days before the start of the program.
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