Improv Asylum Colab Classrooms
201 State St
Boston, MA 02109
Drinks, LGBTQ+
Event website:
You and your group will meet at the Asylum CoLab in the conveniently-located Faneuil Hall for a quick cocktail and to freshen up into some quick drag before you’re whisked away through the city of Boston for a 90-minute tour you’ll never forget.
The Queens will point out tales of Boston's past, shading the landmarks and historical sites along the way. From the Freedom Trail to the Paul Revere House, you'll get a unique perspective on the city's rich history, as well as significant LGBTQ locales. Do these queens know anything about Boston history, lore, and trivia? Barely. But if that’s the kind of info you want, you can stay at home with a well-worn printed out copy of Wikipedia or better yet… Take it to the library. Because reading is what? Fundamental.
No, you’re taking the Dragtacular Trolley Tour of Boston because you want a truly unique and completely enter-tainting tour of Beantown with your best Judys. And because you learned some cocktails always make history come alive. At various stops throughout the tour, the queens will perform truly traffic-stopping lip syncs, as well as audience-interactive contests to see who’s got the most sickening walks, lewks, and reads. It’s going to be an unforgettable time. Whether you're a Boston native looking to see your hometown through a fabulous new lens, or a first-time visitor, the Dragtacular Trolley Tour of Boston is a must-see experience. Come for the sights, stay for the laughs, and leave with a newfound appreciation for Boston's vibrant culture and rich heritage. And some cocktails.
This event runs from Apr 20, 2024 to Jul 27, 2024 and happens every:
Saturdays: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Friday, Feb 14, 2025 goes until 02/17
Wang Theatre