Remnant Brewing
2 Bow Market Way
Somerville, MA 02143
Art, Drinks, LGBTQ+, Music
Event website:
Remnant Brewing is thrilled to share our space with the wonderful Countertop Chants to host this monthly Poetry Open Mic at our Bow Market location.
Poetry, live music, beer, and friends - this event has it all!
This is a place to share your own poems or poems you love, meet new poet/artist friends, explore all that Remnant Brewing has to offer, and have fun! Boston has a strong community of artists and writers and they deserve an inclusive space to connect and enjoy their art while still making it a party. We are here to celebrate life, arts, and our community.
This is not a competition, there are no featured poets, and there is no expected style or format. Tell us your thoughts, dreams, hopes, and despairs with what ever words make sense to you. We celebrate all of it!
[The intermission acts in advance. If you are interested in playing acoustic music, doing an interpretive dance, or something that compliments the poetic medium, drop Countertop Chants an email at [email protected]]
Countertop Chants is the host of this event, with Remnant Brewing sharing their spectacular front room space and delicious beverages. Please also feel free to grab food from various vendors in Bow Market and bring it into the space.
Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 8:00p
The Liberty Hotel
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024 6:00p
Trillium Fort Point