Cambridge Insight Meditation Center
331 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
$65 - $90
Lectures & Conferences
Event website:
In “challenging times” has become an all-too-often-repeated reminder of the truth and clarity of the Four Noble Truths. The reality is, however, there have been challenging times since the beginning of time; we’re just here for these particular ones.
Come spend a day in community where we will deepen our personal understanding and relationship with the brahmaviharas, specifically compassion. Through inquiry into forgiveness – a main ingredient for the opening of the heart – we will cultivate the conditions for a depth of compassion to manifest.
Together we’ll create spaciousness and a felt sense of groundedness in the realization that the joys and difficulties, the blessings and challenges of this life exist together in each moment. Balance comes from seeing things as they are and cultivating an open heart, and it acts as a rudder as we move through this life and these times. The remembrance and establishment of joy in the midst of sorrow can serve as a buoy as we navigate the ever-changing conditions and circumstances of life.
This workshop is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced meditators. Through sitting, walking and guided meditations, talks and discussion, we will explore the possibility of living a more awakened life. This is an opportunity to cultivate the intention of bringing our practice into the day-to-day, moment-to-moment activity of living. Everyone is welcome!
DaRa Williams has practiced Insight Meditation for more than 15 years and has completed the Insight Meditation Society (IMS)/Spirit Rock Teacher Training. She serves on the Board of IMS, where she is the chair of the Governance and Diversity Committees, and teaches at New York Insight. DaRa is a trainer and wellness coach, and has been a clinician and administrator in the mental health field for over 25 years. She is a certified Focusing Oriented Therapist and a practitioner and trainer of Aboriginal Focusing Oriented Complex Trauma Therapy. "It is my belief that vipassana meditation and the dharma are ideal for transforming suffering, particularly the trauma of oppression and its many vicissitudes-where the chains around our minds and hearts can be broken through and dissolved. Awareness and wisdom become the vehicle for freedom and transforming lives."
Sunday, Sep 08, 2024 12:00p
The Charles River Speedway