Secret Chinatown Loft
address sent to ticketholders
Boston, MA
Date Idea, Good for Groups, LGBTQ+, Shows
Event website:
Shift Spaces Presents: Can You Relate? A two day comedy festival ft over 30 super funny people & none of them are cis men
If you can't relate...now you know how we feel!
Instagram: @shift_spaces
Thursday March 9 & Friday March 10
@1stShiftspace, Chinatown, Boston
aka the secret (420) loft
address emailed to ticketholders
accessibility: this event is located up two flights of stairs
Be sure to double check that you are purchasing tickets to the correct show!
Thursday March 9 2023*
7:30 doors 8PM - 10PM show
byob + drink$ available
*no 420 at this show
Friday March 10 2023
Three 420 friendly shows
6, 8, and 10PM (90 min)
Doors open 15 min prior
byob + byow + drink$
Thursday March 9 - Hosted by Danny Riordan (he/they) @weirdoriordo
Brieana Woodward @notadamncheese
Awet @awetteame
Angela Sawyer @downwitpants
Steph Dalwin @stephdalwin
Cynthia Wang @cynthxdubs
Kaitlin Gaitanakis @kaitlinisasadclown
Lisa Lam @lisalamiam
Tricia Thomson @thomson.tricia
Friday March 10 - Hosted by Love (he/they)
6PM Show:
Cher Lynn @cherbearstagram
Tooky Kavanagh @tookymonster
Ira Claybourne @ira.claybourne
Izzy Darosa @izzydarosa
Jack Simon @allegoricaljack
Rachel Dunbar @msracheldunbar
Julie Cameron @hoolia214
Maddie Kelly @playdoheater666
8PM Show:
Amma Marfo @ammamarfo
Ang Buxton @bux_wild
Isabel Levin @isabelmasonl
Gabi Hajos @gabi.hajos
Zenobia Delmar @delmarzenobia
Ms Adventure @ms.adventure.in.comedy
Arianna Magee @sorryannamageek
Emily Siero @emily.siero
10PM Show:
Dorothy Whitfield @askdorothy
Danya Trommer @trommertized
Kendra Dawsey @bossy_dawsey
Emily Goldstein @emcellent
Carolina Montesquieu @carolinamontesquieu
Jacqueline Wall @quackeline
Caroline Moore @coolroline
Ren Garcia @rengarciap
FOLLOW @shift_spaces on IG for more information!
Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025 6:00p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)