Dewey Square
Rose Kennedy Greenway
Boston, MA
Good for Groups, Outside, Party
Event website:
Update: Due to extenuating circumstances, the Greenway Conservancy and co-curators Chez Vous/Boston Swerve and AfroDesia City have rescheduled the Breathe Life Together Block Party to Saturday, June 25, from 2p to 8p, instead of the originally scheduled date of Saturday, June 4.
Free and open to all, this event will feature a pop-up roller rink, free skate rentals, live music, performances, DJs, painting, and food trucks to celebrate and activate Rob "ProBlak" Gibbs' mural Breathe Life Together. Together, we aim to cultivate an accessible, collective public space of joy, care, sustenance, and belonging that centers and supports diverse communities, families, and youth from across Boston.
Event Partners:
-Co-Curator: Chez Vous Roller Skating Rink (@chezvousskating & @bostonswerve)
-Co-Curator: AfroDesiaCity (@afrodesiacity)
-Non-profit Org: Children’s Services of Roxbury (@csroxbury)
-Non-profit Org: Beats Rhymes Life (@hiphoptherapy)
-Food: Suya Joint (@suyajoint)
-Live Painting: Sobek (@sobeksuper6)
-Live Screen Printing: SelfMade Designs (@theselfmadedesigns)
-Merch Design: Marka27 (@Marka_27)
--Amanda Shea (@amandasheaallday)
--Bakari JB (@bakarijbmusic)
--Boston Music Project (@bosmusicproject)
--DJ Big Papa (@BigPapaToney)
--Shantel C. (@shantelcmusic)
--A Trike Called Funk (@atrikecalledfunk
-And a big thank you to All-Year Sports Galaxy (@allyearsportsgalaxy) for providing the roller rink!