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Make the most of the long and unseasonably warm weekend with these awesome events happening around Boston.
Fri 2/17: 60° 🌧
Sat 2/18: 41° ☀️
Sun 2/19: 49° ☁️
Mon 2/20: 54° ☁️
1) Speedway Super Mercado https://bit.ly/-Ndk
2) Vintage Festival @ Roadrunner https://bit.ly/-EhA
3) Free ICA Admission https://bit.ly/-Ve0
4) Mardi Gras @ High Street https://bit.ly/-Fkg
5) Cheese Sampling @ Curio https://bit.ly/-Sk7
6) 26 Trivia Nights in Boston https://bit.ly/-3i8
7) Cupid’s Undie Run https://bit.ly/-kNP
8) Presidents’ Day WinterFest https://bit.ly/-Jy0
9) Free Skating on the Frog Pond https://bit.ly/-Jdi
10) Winter Date Ideas in Boston https://bit.ly/-Tn1
11) Girl Scout Cookies & Beer https://bit.ly/-M0N
12) Taylor Swift Dance Party https://bit.ly/-P3f
13) Visit President Lincoln https://bit.ly/-RPD
14) Foundry Family Fest https://bit.ly/-ffm
15) Tapping Maple Trees https://bit.ly/-Tfk
16) Frost Fit 2023 https://bit.ly/-uma
17) Winter Farmers Market https://bit.ly/-0aA
18) 15 New Bars & Restaurants https://bit.ly/-O01
19) Dancing @ French Library https://bit.ly/-OoD
20) Maple Sugaring https://bit.ly/-VYO
21) FOUND Market https://bit.ly/-vgU
22) Mardi Gras @ Cheeky Monkey https://bit.ly/-iti
23) Post-Valentine’s Party https://bit.ly/-YbE
24) North End Tunnel of Love https://bit.ly/-DkB
25) Drop-in Meditation https://bit.ly/-tkB
26) Evening of Blacknificence https://bit.ly/-Zzk
27) Daytona Darty https://bit.ly/-Lck
28) SoWa Sundays https://bit.ly/-Ude
29) Ice Skating Around Boston https://bit.ly/-iTl
30) Vintage & Vinyl https://bit.ly/-QuT
31) Winter-ready Patios in Boston https://bit.ly/-pzU
32) Diversity in Dance https://bit.ly/-Wic
33) Concerts @ FBC https://bit.ly/-dg7
34) Art for Ukraine https://bit.ly/-ssL
35) Pinball @ The Silhouette https://bit.ly/-Mwu
36) Writers in Residence https://bit.ly/-WrU
37) Blue Hills Museum https://bit.ly/-Cod
38) Cult of Art: Aphrodisia https://bit.ly/-InC
39) Salsa & Bachata https://bit.ly/-hcX
40) IceFlow Yoga https://bit.ly/-cYS
41) Slam Poetry https://bit.ly/-9a5
42) Mario Kart Tournament https://bit.ly/-229
43) Kids Pasta Making Class https://bit.ly/-8F3
44) Make Carepacks for Soldiers https://bit.ly/-glz
45) Trivia @ Trident https://bit.ly/-Yet
46) Live Music @ Aeronaut https://bit.ly/-Vos
47) Experiential Bars in Boston https://bit.ly/-pWg
48) King Tide Talk https://bit.ly/-Zkd
49) Photography Exhibit https://bit.ly/-kof
50) Live Music @ Loretta’s https://bit.ly/-Exi
51) Morning Run in JP https://bit.ly/-Cos
52) Yoga Flow in Allston https://bit.ly/-Ran
53) Morning Yoga https://bit.ly/-kdB
54) Fencing for Kids https://bit.ly/-Idn
55) Live Music Saturdays https://bit.ly/-End
56) Coffee & Crafts https://bit.ly/-HdL
57) Blues Sunday https://bit.ly/-wud
58) Karaoke Sundays https://bit.ly/-mlo
59) Sunday Baseball https://bit.ly/-i8d
60) Virtual HIIT https://bit.ly/-Ryi
61) William Miller Park https://bit.ly/-vjs
62) Seasonal Beer Tasting https://bit.ly/-6aX
63) Pours & Pours Workshop https://bit.ly/-ylF
64) V-Day Crypt Tour https://bit.ly/-fax
65) Kokedama Workshop https://bit.ly/-Mxn
66) Whiskey Dinner https://bit.ly/-lan
67) El Junte Concert https://bit.ly/-0G3
68) Wine Dinner https://bit.ly/-3yE
69) Urbanity Dance Show https://bit.ly/-XK4
70) Carrie Underwood Live https://bit.ly/-iX7
71) Swing Dance Lessons https://bit.ly/-fRd
72) Cheap & Healthy Activities https://bit.ly/-Il1
73) Adult Workshops in Boston https://bit.ly/-hNz
74) World Music Dance https://bit.ly/-She
75) Valentine’s Theatre https://bit.ly/-nhk
76) Hidden Tiki Bar Comedy https://bit.ly/-nBm
77) Winter Day Trips in Mass https://bit.ly/-eRW
78) Lovers in Lagos https://bit.ly/-JAP
79) Boyz II Men https://bit.ly/-PwX
80) Partner Stretching https://bit.ly/-BIg
81) $10 Commuter Rail https://bit.ly/-9EG
82) Walk-in Restaurants in Boston https://bit.ly/-lj1
83) Jamaica Pond Run https://bit.ly/-AoC
84) Dragon Boat Workout https://bit.ly/-G5l
85) Coffee Roasting Class https://bit.ly/-4N3
86) LEGO Maritime Festival https://bit.ly/-KKc
87) Stoner Metal Yoga https://bit.ly/-MUS
88) Smoke & Shadows Show https://bit.ly/-bWK
89) Citizenship Course https://bit.ly/-i6q
90) Beer & Watercolors https://bit.ly/-A3m
91) Succulent Workshop https://bit.ly/-E4j
92) Mexican Fiesta https://bit.ly/-f3b
93) Sing Sistah Sing! https://bit.ly/-psh
94) Drop-in Dodgeball https://bit.ly/-vzL
95) Soap Making Class https://bit.ly/-sAo
96) Flamenco Dance https://bit.ly/-Cic
All weekend events: https://bit.ly/3Rbjz7v
Friday, Feb 14, 2025 goes until 02/17
Wang Theatre