Walter Baker Building
1231 Adams Street
Boston, MA 02124
Classes, Date Idea, Music, Social Good
Event website:
Bring your ukulele or other instrument to celebrate and explore a theme on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. Please check the website for dates and themes. It's NOT every Thursday. And it's NOT always in Boston, MA, though most of the time it is. The session is in Zoom unless otherwise indicated (hybrid)
These song sessions are offered HYBRID i.e. in-person AND in Zoom. There's a small fee to participate in Zoom. Get the Annual Pass to get discounts to music workshops and classes.
Participants are encouraged to stay after the session for a one-hour music workshop. Unless otherwise specified, entry to the workshop is through ownership of "Fun with Uke" book and holdership of the 3 Chord Thursday Annual Pass. Any instructional material will be separated charged or provided pending the topic.
3 Chord Thursday at 3 is the catchy name given to the thematic song session launched at the dawn of the pandemic lockdown in April 2020, intended for worldwide participation on Thursdays at 3 PM.
The one-hour session opens with a warm-up lesson followed by a group photo pose. There's no set song book. Instead, performers are encouraged to request songs and submit song sheets in line with the schedule theme.
In the line-up, the songs are ordered by number of chords from low to high. Song sheets are shared and scrolled on screen so that all participants can focus on playing and singing.
Every session is publicly live-streamed on YouTube and posted on the Facebook Group page. The video recordings serve as "play along videos" for practice and are unlisted by the next session. There's a small fee to register and participate in Zoom.
Participants are welcome to join the host in-person in Boston or elsewhere. The club will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month in 2024.
About the founder and host
Anne Ku considers the ukulele to give the easiest and fastest means to engage in music and connect with others. She founded "3 Chord Thursday' as a virtual stage to share the love of music and encourages all her music students to participate. She is an active member of the Ukulele Union of Boston (UUoB) whose club events are listed on Meetup.
About the location
The Walter Baker Lofts, a.k.a. Walter Baker Building is the only building with a big sign on top. “WALTER BAKER” is a unique monument to the community in Historic Lower Mills which is a part of Boston that borders Milton, Mattapan, and Quincy.
This section of Dorchester is famous for the birthplace of the oldest successful chocolate factory in the country. The red brick buildings have been converted to apartments and condominiums, amid small businesses and restaurants and the famous Neponset River Trail within walking distance.
There are two ways to enter this building: the double-door front entrance with steps and the side door with a ramp and step-free access. There is a public restroom in the main hall, on the same ground floor as the Common Room which has high ceilings, like the rest of the building, and big windows. It’s possible to get high speed wifi access with a password.
How to get there
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 goes until 02/21
Regent Theatre