Workbar Boston
711 Atlantic Ave
Boston, MA 02111
Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Tech
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Digital currencies, block chain, BitCoin, DogeCoin… is this the future of money?
BitCoin has taken the world by storm. It is the most successful digital currency, where all transactions happen online in a public ledger powered by its users, with no central authority. This means it isn’t regulated by any government, bank, or corporation. Even though it’s a digital currency, you can use it to buy real things, like gift cards at Amazon and products at Overstock.com… and you used to be able to buy dinner at local restaurants like Veggie Galaxy and Thelonious Monkfish. But save your pennies: as of December 28, 2016, one BitCoin is worth US $955.
How does BitCoin work?
Who owns and makes BitCoins? What regulates its value?
What’s the deal with the black market using digital currencies?
Is this a fad — or the future of money?
Get all your questions answered about digital currencies and have real conversations with people curious about the same things you are. Our speaker will give a 20-30 minute overview of the subject, followed by extensive Q & A. Hang out after the event for drinks, snacks, and good conversation.
Michael Casey is Senior Advisor for Blockchain Opportunities at the MIT Media Lab’s Digital Currency Initiative. He has co-authored, The Age of Cryptocurrency, which describes the decentralized record-keeping system driving the bitcoin revolution, and The Social Organism, in which he argues that social networks imitate the behavior of biological life. Before joining MIT, he spent 18 years as a journalist at The Wall Street Journal.
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